Perancangan Laman sebagai E-commerce Produk Digital
situs web, perdagangan elektronik, produk digital, Beart.idAbstract
Abstract: is an online media for the creative industry ecosystem in Indonesia. Established in 2019, Beart stands for beautiful art. With their main issues covering 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy. This year, art is developing digital products in the form of fonts and graphic design templates. From this, Beart needs a place to sell and promote his digital products. After considering the results of the e-commerce feature survey with a percentage of 92.6 percent of respondents saying that having their own e-commerce website system can help the online buying and selling process of the brand's products. From this problem, the design of the website was born as an e-commerce digital product. The author uses the Design Thinking design method popularized by David Kelley and Tim Brown, the founder of IDEO. There are 5 panels in this method, including: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. The purpose of the E-Commerce website is to accommodate digital products from Beart and to meet the business needs of B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) digital products. The e-commerce website is called a beart shop. For the final conclusion, a test was carried out through a questionnaire using a Likert scale resulting in a score of 89 percent, which means that according to the interval scale, I strongly agree. This percentage means that Beart's e-commerce website is running well, is attractive to consumers and user friendly.
Keywords: website; e-commerce; digital product;
Abstrak: merupakan sebuah media daring untuk ekosistem industri kreatif di Indonesia. Berdiri sejak tahun 2019, Beart memiliki singkatan beautiful art. Dengan isu utama mereka meliputi 17 subsektor ekonomi kreatif. Ditahun ini beart sedang mengembangkan produk digital berupa font, dan template desain grafis. Dari hal tersebut beart memerlukan wadah untuk menjual serta mempromosikan produk digitalnya. Setelah menimbang hasil survei fitur e-commerce dengan persentase 92,6 persen responden mengatakan bahwa memiliki sistem laman jual-beli/ecommerce sendiri dapat membantu proses jual-beli online dari produk brand tersebut. Dari masalah tersebut lahirlah perancangan laman sebagai e-commerce produk digital. Adapun penulis menggunakan metode perancangan Design Thinking yang dipopulerkan oleh David Kelley dan Tim Brown pendiri IDEO. Ada 5 panel dalam metode tersebut, yaitu diantaranya: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, dan Test. Tujuan E-Commerce laman adalah menampung produk digital dari Beart serta memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis B2B (Business to Business) dan B2C (Business to Consumer) terhadap produk digital. Adapun laman e-commerce ini bernama beart shop. Untuk kesimpulan akhir dilakukan test lewat kuesioner menggunakan skala likert menghasilkan skor 89 persen yang artinya menurut skala interval sangat setuju. Persentase tersebut memberikan arti bahwa laman e-commerce Beart sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik, menarik bagi consumer dan user friendly.
Kata kunci: laman; perdagangan elektronik; produk digital;
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