Survei Kondisi Fisik Peserta Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Bolabasket Sekolah Menengah Pertama


  • Aa Bagus Sadewa Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No. 5, Malang, Jawa Timur, 65145, Indonesia
  • Siti Nurrochmah Universitas Negeri Malang, Jalan Semarang No. 5, Malang, Jawa Timur, 65145, Indonesia



ekstrakurikuer, bola basket, kondisi fisik


Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 of 2014
Article 5 states that schools are required to serve activities outside school hours in the form of extracurricular
activities. At SMPN 8 Malang, they have run extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities which are very
popular with students, namely basketball extracurricular activities. The purpose of this study was to examine and
obtain information on the ability of physical conditions on the agility of motion using T-tests, speed of motion
using 20 meters running, and the explosive power of arm muscles using medicine ball throwing to participants
in the Bolabasket extracurricular activity at SMPN 8 Malang. Results Referring to the analysis of variance
coefficient data analysis, it can be stated that in the male group unsusr physical condition, the speed of motion
in the form of a 20 meter running test was collected at 7.86 percent KV means that the data showed concentred and
on the element of arm muscle explosive power obtained KV 15.98 percent meant the data showed variety or spread.
In the female group unsusr physical condition, the speed of motion in the form of a 20 -meter running test was
collected at 5.23 percent KV, meaning the data showed concentred and in the explosive arm muscle element, a 10 .4 percent
KV was obtained meaning the data showed a variety or spread

Peraturan menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan republik indonesia nomor 62 tahun 2014 pasal 5
menyatakan bahwa sekolah diwajibkan melayani kegiatan diluar jam pelajaran berupa ekstrakurikuler. Pada
SMPN 8 Malang telah menjalankan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, eks trakurikuler yang banyak diminati siswa nyaitu
ekstrakurikuler bolabasket. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengkaji dan memperoleh informasi
kemampuan kondisi fisik pada unsur kelincahan gerak menggunakan tes T-tes, kecepatan gerak menggunakan
lari 20 meter, dan daya ledak otot lengan menggunakan lempar bola medicine pada peserta kegiatan
ekstrakurikuler Bolabasket di SMPN 8 Malang. Hasil Mengacu pada sajian analisis data koevisien variansi dapat
dikemukakan bahwa pada kelomok putra unsusr kondisi fisik kecepatan gerak berupa tes lari 20 meter diperolek
KV 7,86 persen berarti data menunjukkan concentred dan pada unsur daya ledak otot lengan diperoleh KV 15,98 persen
berarti data menunjukkan beragam atau menyebar. Pada kelompok putri unsusr kondisi fisik kecepatan gerak
berupa tes lari 20 meter diperolek KV 5,23 persen berarti data menunjukkan concentred dan pada unsur daya ledak
otot lengan diperoleh KV 10,21 persen berarti data menunjukkan beragam atau menyebar


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T-tes Lari 20 Meter Lempar Bola


Sport Science and Health | Vol. 2(6): 2020

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