Pengaruh Latihan Dribble Zig-Zag terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Dribble Bola Basket Bagi Peserta Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Bola Basket SMA


  • Desi Fatmawati Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Siti Nurrochmah Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Febrita Paulina Heynoek Universitas Negeri Malang



Abstract: The results of preliminary observations of the basketball zigzag dribble test, as many as 60 percent of participants could not do it correctly and accurately. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of basketball dribble zigzag training using poles and cardboard on improving basketball dribble skills in basketball extracurricular activities at SMA Nasional Malang. The experimental research design, a sample of 40 participants was taken using a purposive proportional systematic random sampling technique from a total of 40 male participants. Fcount 76.22 is more than Ftable α equal to 0.05 4.17. While the results of the advanced test of the LSD technique of dribbling zigzag basketball practice using T count -6.283 and T table 1.685, the results of the advanced test of the LSD technique of dribble zigzag basketball training using cardboard T count 11.364 and T table 1.685, there is an effect of dribble training. zigzag basketball using poles and cardboard to improve basketball dribble skills. A basketball zigzag dribble using a pole is better than a basketball zigzag dribble exercise using cardboard.

Abstrak: Hasil observasi awal tes dribble zig-zag bola basket, sebanyak 60 persen peserta tidak bisa melakukan secara tepat dan akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkajipengaruh latihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan tiang dan kardus terhadap peningkatan keterampilan dribble bola basket pada peserta kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bola basket SMA Nasional Malang. Rancanagan penelitian eksperimen, sampel 40 peserta diambil menggunakan teknik purposive proporsional systematic random sampling dari jumlah 40 peserta laki-laki. Fhitung 76,22 lebih dari Ftabel α sama dengan 0,05 4,17. Sedangkan hasil uji lanjut teknik LSD latihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan tiang T hitung -6,283 dan T tabel 1,685, hasil uji lanjut teknik LSD latihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan kardus T hitung11,364 dan T tabel 1,685, ada pengaruhlatihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan tiang dan kardus terhadap peningkatan keterampilan dribble bola basket. Latihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan tiang lebih baik dari pada latihan dribble zig-zag bola basket menggunakan kardus.


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