Konstruksi Dissociative Identity Disorder dalam Novel Paradigma Karya Syahid Muhammad





Konstruksi, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Novel Paradigma


Dissociative Identity Disorder atau DID adalah sebuah gangguan pada mental seseorang yang merujuk pada kondisi memiliki lebih dari satu kepribadian dalam satu tubuh. Selain dapat ditemukan dalam dunia nyata, DID juga kerap kali muncul sebagai ide penciptaan karya sastra. Penelitian ini mengkaji terkait DID yang tersirat dalam novel Paradigma karya Syahid Muhammad. Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada dua tokoh yang memiliki indikasi DID yaitu, Rana dan Ikrar. Untuk memperoleh temuan yang diharapkan, peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain studi teks. Data berupa kalimat kutipan novel Paradigma karya Syahid Muhammad yang berbentuk narasi, dialog, dan monolog tokoh terkait DID. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data baca dan catat. Data yang telah terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa gejala DID, seperti adanya dua identitas yang bergantian mengendalikan tubuh, ketidakmampuan mengingat informasi personal, tidak disebabkan oleh obat terlarang dan minuman keras, dan masing-masing identitas memiliki citra diri, sejarah, dan nama. Selanjutnya, ditemukan penyebab kemunculan DID dalam diri tokoh Rana dan Ikrar, yaitu trauma, kesusahan berat, usaha meredam keinginan, dan dorongan keinginan untuk dapat berdiri sendiri. Kemudian, ditemukan juga sikap orang sekitar terhadap penderita berupa prasangka buruk dan diskriminasi.

Kata kunci: konstruksi; dissociative identity disorder; gangguan mental; novel Paradigma

Construction of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the Novel Paradigma by Syahid Muhammad

Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID is a mental disorder that refers to the condition of having more than one personality in one body. Besides being found in the real world, DID also often appears as an idea for creating literary works. This research examines DID that is implied in Syahid Muhammad's Novel Paradigma. This research is focused on two figures who have DID indications, namely, Rana and Ikrar. To obtain the data, researchers used a qualitative descriptive study with a text study design. The data is in the form of excerpts from the novel Paradigma in the form of narratives, dialogues, and monologues related to DID. Researchers used reading and note-taking data collection techniques. The data that has been collected then analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are in the form of DID symptoms such as the existence of two identities that take turns controlling the body, the inability to remember personal information, are not caused by drugs and alcohol, and each identity has a self-image, history, and name. Furthermore, it was found that the causes of the emergence of DID in the characters Rana and Ikrar, namely trauma, severe distress, efforts to suppress desires, and encouragement to be able to stand alone. Then, it was also found that the attitude of people around the sufferer was in the form of prejudice and discrimination.

Kata kunci: construction; dissociative identity disorder; mental disorder; novel Paradigma


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How to Cite

Anjawaniluhur, G. J., Wijayanti, J. ., & Rohman , M. F. . (2023). Konstruksi Dissociative Identity Disorder dalam Novel Paradigma Karya Syahid Muhammad. JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts, 3(2), 267–283. https://doi.org/10.17977/um064v3i22023p267-283


