The Character Development in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum




fantasy;, character development;, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


Abstract: A novel is a literary product that has various genres. One of the genres is fantasy, which the novel under study, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, belongs to. The novel has many fantasy characters, such as wizards, animals, and talking objects. This paper explores character development of the characters in this novel namely Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Lion as they go on a journey to achieve their respective goals.  Using a formalism approach, I argue that all the main characters in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz experience positive character development and can accomplish their goals. Dorothy's character has developed from being innocent towards other creatures to being a killer, for example when her property is taken. Scarecrow who initially feels inferior because he feels he has no brain becomes a creature who could come up with good ideas so that he could save his friends. Tin Woodman, who initially thinks he has to be careful not to hurt other creatures, becomes brave enough to hurt other creatures to protect his friends. Then, Lion, who is originally a coward, becomes brave when he feels threatened.

Keywords: fantasy; character development; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Abstrak: Novel adalah produk sastra yang memiliki berbagai genre. Salah satu genre adalah fantasi, yang termasuk dalam novel yang diteliti, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Novel ini memiliki banyak karakter fantasi, seperti penyihir, binatang, dan benda yang bisa berbicara. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi perkembangan tokoh Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, dan Lion saat mereka melakukan perjalanan untuk mencapai tujuan masing-masing. Menggunakan pendekatan formalisme, saya berpendapat bahwa semua karakter utama dalam The Wonderful Wizard of Oz mengalami pengembangan karakter yang positif dan dapat mencapai tujuan mereka. Tokoh Dorothy berkembang dari tokoh yang lugu menjadi pembunuh, misalnya saat barang miliknya diambil. Orang-orangan sawah yang awalnya merasa minder karena merasa tidak punya otak menjadi makhluk yang bisa memunculkan ide-ide bagus sehingga bisa menyelamatkan teman-temannya. Tin Woodman yang awalnya berpikir harus berhati-hati agar tidak menyakiti makhluk lain, menjadi berani menyakiti makhluk lain untuk melindungi teman-temannya. Kemudian, Lion, yang awalnya pengecut, menjadi berani ketika dia merasa terancam.

Kata kunci: fantasi; perkembangan karakter; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


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How to Cite

Ningtyas, A. R., Amri, M. M., & Subagyo, K. P. (2022). The Character Development in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts, 2(10), 1386–1397.


