Proses Kreatif Penulisan Antologi Cerita Pendek Edicius Suoires


  • Hidayatul Ulum Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Azizatuz Zahro’ Universitas Negeri Malang



ekokritik, proses kreatif, Edicius Suoires


Karya sastra dan lingkungan memiliki keterkaitan erat. Karya sastra berwawasan lingkungan atau ekokritik dapat menjadi solusi bagi permasalahan lingkungan yang ada. Kritik terhadap kondisi lingkungan yang mengkhawatirkan dapat disampaikan kepada pembaca melalui karya sastra berupa antologi cerpen berjudul Edicius Suoires yang menceritakan lingkungan pantai dan kawasan laut dengan berfokus pada penderitaan hewan laut akibat perbuatan manusia. Selain antologi cerita pendek Edicius Suoires bertema ekokritik, penulis juga menyusun proses kreatif untuk melengkapinya. Proses kreatif ini bertujuan memaparkan proses penulisan antologi cerita pendek Edicius Suoires. Model yang dirujuk dalam proses kreatif ini, yaitu tahapan-tahapan proses kreatif yang dijabarkan oleh Sumardjo dalam Catatan Kecil tentang Menulis Cerpen yang meliputi lima tahapan proses kreatif. Hasil dari proses kreatif ini, yaitu terdapat lima tahapan proses kreatif dalam menciptakan karya sastra berupa antologi cerita pendek berjudul Edicius Suoires. Tahapan-tahapan tersebut meliputi (1) tahap persiapan, (2) tahap inkubasi, (3) tahap inspirasi, (4) tahap penulisan, dan (5) tahap revisi.

Kata kunci: ekokritik; proses kreatif; Edicius Suoires

The Creative Process of Writing the Edicius Suoires Short Story Anthology

Literary work and the environment are closely related. Eco-minded or ecocritical literary works can be a solution to existing environmental problems. Criticism of the alarming environmental conditions can be conveyed to the reader through a literary work in the form of an anthology of short stories entitled Edicius Suoires which tells the environment of the beach and sea area by focusing on the suffering of marine animals due to human actions. In addition to the anthology of Edicius Suoires short stories on the theme of ecocritic, the author also structured the creative process to complement it. This creative process aims to explain the process of writing the short story anthology of Edicius Suoires. The model referred to in this creative process, namely the stages of the creative process described by Sumardjo in a Catatan Kecil tentang Menulis Cerpen which includes five stages of the creative process. As a result, there are five stages of the creative process in creating a literary work in the form of a short story anthology entitled Edicius Suoires. These stages include (1) the preparation stage, (2) the incubation stage, (3) the inspiration stage, (4) the writing stage, and (5) the revision stage.

Keywords: ecocritic; creative process; Edicius Suoires


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How to Cite

Ulum, H., & Zahro’, A. (2023). Proses Kreatif Penulisan Antologi Cerita Pendek Edicius Suoires. JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts, 3(11), 1685–1697.


