Analisis Aktivitas Fisik dan Status Gizi Terhadap Kebugaran Jasmani Junior High School: Literature Review
aktivitas fisik, status gizi, kebugaran jasmaniAbstract
The literature review study aims to determine the relationship between physical activity, nutritional status on junior high school students' physical fitness and related factors based on secondary data or previous research journal articles. The collection of literature review data uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) flow method. Search journal articles in the review literature using methodological criteria (1) required variables (2) consistent data collection methods (3) valid research results (4) clear and precise data analysis. The results show (1) physical activity is related to physical fitness, (2) nutritional status is related to physical fitness (3) There is an insignificant relationship between physical activity and physical fitness because of the influencing factors. Conclusion: encouraging health sports and health education as a solution to physical fitness problems from physical activity factors and nutritional status. External roles are very supportive to reach the level of physical fitness such as educators and parents.
Studi literatur review bertujuan mengetahui hubungan aktivitas fisik, status gizi terhadap kebugaran jasmani siswa SMP dan faktor yang berkaitan berdasarkan dari data sekunder atau artikel jurnal penelitian sebelumnya. Pengumpulan data literatur review menggunakan metode alir Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Pencarian article jurnal pada literatur review menggunakan kriteria metodologis (1) variabel yang diperlukan (2) metode pengumpulan data konsisten (3) hasil penelitian valid (4) analisis data jelas dan tepat. Hasil menunjukkan (1) aktivitas fisik berhubungan terhadap kebugaran jasmani, (2) status gizi berhubungan terhadap kebugaran jasmani (3) Terdapat hubungan tidak signifikan aktivitas fisik terhadap kebugaran jasmani karena faktor yang berpengaruh. Simpulan: mendorong olahraga kesehatan dan Pendidikan kesehatan sebagai solusi permasalahan kebugaran jasmani dari faktor aktivitas fisik dan status gizi. Peran eksternal sangat mendukung untuk mencapai tingkat kebugaran jasmani seperti pendidik dan orangtua.
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