Remaja, Media Sosial, dan Cyberbullying: Kajian Literatur
cyberbullying, social media, teenagers, media sosial, remajaAbstract
Social media and teenagers are interrelated and almost inseparable. Since the pandemic, the level of mobile phone usage has increased because learning activities and social interactions have moved online. So, the use of social media among teenagers has also increased. On the other hand, social media plays an important role in supporting social interaction between them. However, being active on social media makes you vulnerable to cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying behavior carried out using information technology, such as the internet and mobile phones. Activities in cyberspace lead to a higher risk of cyberbullying because social boundaries in cyberspace are considered looser than in the real world, so that the perpetrators feel more courageous and think they do not need to take responsibility for their actions. Cyberbullying can have an impact on the psychological and social conditions of teenagers. The role of parents and teachers is needed as a protective factor so that teenagers avoid cyberbullying, both as perpetrators and victims.
Media sosial dan remaja merupakan dua hal yang saling berkaitan dan hampir tidak dapat terpisahkan. Semenjak pandemi melanda, tingkat penggunaan gawai pun meningkat lantaran aktivitas belajar maupun interaksi sosial berpindah ke dunia maya. Seiring dengan hal tersebut, penggunaan media sosial di kalangan remaja pun ikut meningkat. Di satu sisi, media sosial berperan penting dalam menunjang interaksi sosial tetap berlangsung. Akan tetapi, beraktivitas di media sosial rentan mengalami cyberbullying. Cyberbullying merupakan bentuk perilaku perundungan yang dilakukan menggunakan teknologi informasi, seperti internet dan gawai. Cyberbullying ditandai dengan adanya perilaku yang sengaja ditujukan untuk menyakiti dan dilakukan berulang-ulang, Aktivitas di dunia maya menyebabkan resiko cyberbullying lebih tinggi sebab batasan sosial di dunia maya dianggap lebhi longgar dibandingkan di dunia nyata sehingga pelaku merasa lebih berani dan menganggap tidak perlu mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya. Cyberbullying dapat berdampak pada kondisi psikologis dan sosial remaja. Peran orang tua dan guru sangat diperlukan sebagai faktor protektif agar remaja terhindar dari cyberbullying, baik sebagai perilaku maupun korban.
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