Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer berbasis RME untuk siswa SMP kelas VII pada materi perbandingan


  • Intan Asri Cahyanti
  • Mimiep Setyowati Madja
  • Sisworo Sisworo



Development, Learning Media, RME, Computer, Proportion


This research and development is motivated by student’s difficulties in learning proportion material especially in determining the direct and inverse proportion material. The students are difficult to distinguish problem about direct and inverse proportion material. Moreover, at this time there has been no development of computer assisted learning media based RME on direct and inverse proportion material. This development aims to produce a computer assisted learning media on direct and inverse proportion material which are valid, practical, and effective. The result of research and development is “GO!MATH” courseware in the form of executable file in CD that can be use independently by students both in classroom or at home. This research and development is done by adapting Thiagarajan development model which only up to the third stage, because the stage develope due only for limited testing stage. The limited testing in this research involved nine student of SMP Brawijaya Smart School Malang which has heterogeneous ability. The results show that “GO!MATH” are valid, practical, and effective.


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How to Cite

Asri Cahyanti, I. ., Setyowati Madja, M., & Sisworo, S. (2022). Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer berbasis RME untuk siswa SMP kelas VII pada materi perbandingan. Jurnal MIPA Dan Pembelajarannya, 1(12), 1002–1010.–1010


