
  • Fina Mawadatul ‘Ulya Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Imron Arifin Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Ali Imron Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Achmad Supriyanto Universitas Negeri Malang


Strategy, character education, panca karakter


Abstract: The objective of this research is to describe in detail the strategies of principals and
teachers in shaping the character of students through the panca karakter in SD Anak
Saleh Malang, starting from the strategies of the principal and teachers in shaping
the character of students, implementing panca karakter to shape the character of
the participants. students, the implementation of strategies in shaping the
character of students through panca karakter, and the results of implementing
strategies to shape the character of students through panca karakter. This research
uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The results of this
research are strategies to shape the character of students by approaching children,
touching the child's heart, doing habituation, and providing examples or role
models for students. The panca karakter consist of personal, social, intellectual,
natural and national piety. 5 educations based on panca karakter to form characters
consisting of KPBS, TTM, Green Force, KANCIL, Home Base System. Supporting
factors for the implementation of character education are school facilities, teaching
staff and education, character building. Inhibiting factors in the environment
outside of school, including family. The solution is by holding parenting, workshops,
home visits, and calling parents. The characters that stand out a lot after the
implementation of character education are more personal piety, social piety, and
national piety.


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How to Cite

‘Ulya, F. M. ., Arifin, I. ., Imron, A. ., & Supriyanto, A. . (2024). STRATEGI KEPALA SEKOLAH DAN GURU DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PANCA KARAKTER. Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, Dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 4(10), 2. Retrieved from


