
  • Nanda Aghni Ridwan Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Muhibuddin Fadli Universitas Negeri Malang


Work ethic, PJOk Teacher, Society 5.0


Abstract: This research is motivated by the implementation of the work ethic of secondary
school teachers in the era of society 5.0, one of which is discipline. Discipline is a
crucial part of learning, where without awareness of following the rules that have
been set, the learning process will not achieve the desired goals. In the age of
Society 5.0, PJOK teachers must have the ability to use digital technology to create
creative and innovative learning. This research was carried out through the library
research method. The library research process is carried out by researching relevant
literature and analyzing the combined topics. The importance of developing the
competence of PJOK Teachers is emphasized, and this must be done through
planned and sustainable coaching programs to improve the quality of their
professionalism. Therefore, continuous improvement in the quality of teachers as
learners and educators must be a priority through planned and sustainable
programs. Striving for a work ethic that prioritizes high-quality service leads us to
understand that the position itself is simply the position held, while professionalism
refers to the skills or expertise possessed in carrying out a particular position.
Professionalism is essentially the essence of a profession and the individual who
holds that professional position


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How to Cite

Ridwan, N. A. ., & Fadli, M. . (2024). IMPLEMENTASI ETOS KERJA GURU PJOK DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0. Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, Dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan, 4(8), 17. Retrieved from


