Upaya Meningkatkan Kondisi Fisik Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Pencak Silat PSHT SMPN 2 Turen Menggunakan Metode Latihan Interval Training


  • Mochammad Fatih Muzakki Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Fahrial Amiq Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Gema Fitriady Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Eko Hariyanto Universitas Negeri Malang


pencak silat, physical condition, interval training


Abstract: This research was motivated by a problem in the form of a decrease in the physical condition of the extracurricular pencak silat students of PSHT SMPN 2 Turen because they rarely did exercises and did not hold routine exercises in extracurriculars during the covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to improve the physical condition of the extracurricular pencak silat students of PSHT SMPN 2 Turen using the interval training method and to find out whether the interval training method can improve students' physical condition. The research method used is sports action research (PTO) which is carried out cyclically where in each cycle there are stages of planning, action, observation, reflection and evaluation or tests. In this study, the researchers had a target of increasing overall physical condition by 56% or included in the sufficient category. Collecting data using observation techniques, interviews and tests. Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistical data analysis techniques in the form of percentages. Subjects in the study were extracurricular pencak silat students at SMPN 2 Turen, totaling 31 students. According to the results of the study, after the first cycle was carried out there was an increase in physical condition by 33% and after the implementation of the second cycle there was an increase in physical condition by 58%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that using the interval training method can improve students' physical condition until they are included in the sufficient category after 2 cycles are done.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah siswa ekstrakurikuler PSHT PSHT SMPN 2 Turen sebab kebugaran jasmani yang menurun akibat kurangnya berolahraga serta tidak rutin mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di masa pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan dari riset berikut ialah guna meningkatkan kebugaran jasmani siswa ekstrakurikuler pencak silat PSHT SMPN 2 Turen memakai metode latihan interval serta mengetahui apakah metode latihan interval bisa meningkatkan kondisi jasmani murid. Metodologi penelitian yang dipakai ialah PTO (Penelitian Tindak Olahraga) yang dilaksanakan dalam siklus, setiap siklus meliputi tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, refleksi serta evaluasi ataupun tes. Dalam riset ini, tujuan penulis adalah meningkatkan kebugaran fisik secara menyeluruh sebesar 56% ataupun menempatkannya dalam kategori bugar. Pengumpulan data melalui teknik wawancara, observasi serta tes. Dalam riset berikut analisis data memakai teknik analisis data statistik deskriptif berupa persentase. Subjek riset adalah 31 siswa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler Pencak Silat PSHT SMPN 2 Turen. Hasil penelitian yakni, Setelah menyelesaikan siklus satu kebugaran jasmani meningkat sebesar 33 persen, sesudah menyelesaikan siklus dua kebugaran jasmani meningkat sebesar 58%. Bersumber pada hasil riset bisa dibuat simpulan bahwasanya metode latihan interval bisa meningkatkan kondisi fisik murid sehingga setelah melewati kedua siklus termasuk dalam kategori sesuai.


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