
  • Nabila Lailatul Mahmudah PPG Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Reyza Arif Taqwa PPG Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia




Recitation Program, Understanding concepts, 1-dimensional kinematics


This research aims to determine the level of urgency of the recitation program as an interactive medium in increasing students' conceptual understanding of 1-dimensional kinematics material. The program contains questions and feedback so that students can find out where they made mistakes after choosing an answer option. The research method used is a literature study with a qualitative descriptive approach. Research sources come from articles in previous journals related to 1-dimensional kinematics material and recitation programs. The research results show that there are still many students who do not know how to draw Uniform Linear Motion (GLB) and Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion (GLBB) graphs correctly, the difference between velocity and speed, the difference between distance and displacement, and the concepts of GLB and GLBB. Another case study revealed that an effective way to increase understanding of physics concepts is by implementing a recitation program. Therefore, creating a recitation program is very urgent as a support in optimizing students' understanding of the concept of 1-dimensional kinematics.


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How to Cite

Lailatul Mahmudah, N. ., & Reyza Arif Taqwa, M. (2024). URGENSI PROGRAM RESITASI UNTUK PEMAHAMAN KONSEP MAHASISWA PADA MATERI KINEMATIKA 1 DIMENSI . Jurnal MIPA Dan Pembelajarannya, 4(10), 5. https://doi.org/10.17977/um067v4i10p5


