Understanding the Concept, Discovery Learning, Content Differentiation, Motion of ObjectsAbstract
In this Merdeka Curriculum era, a learning model is needed that can increase students' activeness and understanding. Student-centered learning is expected to increase students' understanding and role in the learning process. Understanding concepts in physics science learning is very important to improve so as not to cause misunderstanding or misconceptions in the future. The material of object motion consists of several sub-materials, namely distance, displacement, velocity, speed, acceleration, and deceleration. The purpose of this study was to analyze the understanding of students regarding the concept of motion of objects in science learning as indicated by the acquisition of the percentage of students answering questions correctly using the method used is descriptive quantitative. The instrument used in this study was a multiple-choice question of 10 questions. Respondents who participated were 33 students of VII D class in SMPN 12 Malang. The results showed that overall the percentage of students who answered correctly was 62% and included in the high category. Students' understanding of the sub-materials of distance, displacement, and speed is in the high category. As for the sub-materials of speed, acceleration and deceleration are included in the medium category.
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