
  • Sasti Nanda Jayanti Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Siti Muniroh Universitas Negeri Malang


Writing, Story-Based Approach, Personal Essay


Abstract: The problem faced is that most of the students were demotivated in writing English, and they used to write limited sentences because they were struggling in both grammar and looking for ideas. Story-based approach is a hilarious strategy by using many stories that can be applied to build the students’ grammatical mastery as well as in improving their writing skill for personal essay in the form of a recount text. This current study aims to solve the problems and explain how the story- based approach applied. The research design employed is a classroom action research. The participants of this study are 32 students of 8B in SMPN 18 Malang. The data were collected from preliminary study, writing test, observation, interview, and field notes. The result indicated that the students’ writing skill of personal essays improves through this strategy. It was proven from the uplift of the mean score from preliminary study (47.00) to writing test (77.00). The writing test score has achieved the target score (70.00). A story-based approach contributes the students’ writing skill as well as grammatical mastery learning strategy, and it can also be applied for young learners and college students.


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% The students love The stories are

learning by using understandable


The stories are The students can The students

feel interesting understand the happy

while stories well learning using


Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly


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