Pemetaan batuan penyusun candi di bawah permukaan berdasarkan metode geomagnetik studi kasus: cagar budaya candi Songgiriti desa Songgokerto kecamatan Batu kota Batu


  • Agus Riyanto
  • Siti Zulaikah
  • Daeng Achmad Suaidi



Geomagnetic Methods, Magnetometer, Mapping, Magnetic Susceptibility


The geomagnetic method is often used in petroleum, geothermal  and mineral exploration and can be applied to searching prospect archaeological  objects (Siahaan, 2009). Several studies has been used the geomagnetic method  to seek for archaeological objects by Ariani (2012) in Losari Temples and Sismanto et al (1997) in Kedulan Temple. In Batu City there is one of the cultural  heritage that have not been intact called Songgoriti Temple. So, in this research  we expected the existence of temple’s rocks using geomagnetic method. The de sign of the research using geomagnetic methods begins with the study of litera ture. This research was conducted with two methods there is calculating the val ue of the magnetic susceptibility of samples Temple’s rock using Bartington  Susceptibility Meter MS2B and retrieving data field using the Proton magneto meter type ENVI SCINTREX. In the end of this research, we accepted the re sults of the two methods were compared to find out the site rock of temple. In  magnetometer data analysis, data is processed using Magpick software, surfer  9.0 software and Mag2dc software. The results of the research show that a local  magnetic field patterns of rocks in the area of cultural heritage Songgoriti Tem ple is divided into three parts namely high local magnetic field (yellow to red),  the moderate local magnetic field (green to yellow) and low local magnetic field  (blue). Furthermore based on five cross-sectional modeling using Mag2dc, we  obtained the prediction the site of temple Songgoriti that is the sample number 1  found on the 2 position i.e at coordinates 49S 664547.5m 9130115m and coor dinate 49S 664585m 9130105m; sample number 3 found on the 2 position i.e at  coordinates 49S 664583m 9130100m and coordinate 49S 664585m 9130100m;  sample number 4 found on the 2 position i.e. at coordinates 49S 664577.5m  9130115m and coordinate 49S 664577.5m 9130110m; sample number 5 found  on the 3 position i.e. at coordinates 49S 664566m 9130095m, coordinates 49S  664573m 9130095m and coordinate 49S 664582.5 m 9130095m; sample num ber 6 is found in 5 position i.e. at coordinates 49S 664545.5 m 9130110m,  coordinates 49S 664550m 9130110m, coordinates 49S 664546m 9130105m,  coordinates 49S 664565m 9130105m and coordinates 49S 664562.5 m  9130100m. For sample number 2 that is not found at all in the five models cross section. This may be caused by the value of the magnetic susceptibility sample  number 2 is minor when compared to another samples that is 0.86 x 10-6 m3/kg


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How to Cite

Riyanto, A. ., Zulaikah, S. ., & Achmad Suaidi, D. . (2021). Pemetaan batuan penyusun candi di bawah permukaan berdasarkan metode geomagnetik studi kasus: cagar budaya candi Songgiriti desa Songgokerto kecamatan Batu kota Batu . Jurnal MIPA Dan Pembelajarannya (JMIPAP), 2(1), 11–18.


